The tale of six dinguses.

It all started around late 2021/early 2022. Our founding members were having some catch-up sessions and had just started talking to each other again after a long time of little to no contact with one another. These two members were Lachlan (YeLLoOw79) and Maxwell (Bixen). They had no intention in making a game company. In fact, they were mainly just talking about starting up a soda company, which, were it to exist, would have been called either Dynamite Drinks or LemonCorp (we didn't get that far). By that time, Lachlan's younger brother Campbell (Cambot) had already joined the group, and a short while later we started talking about video games, eventually leading to us conceiving video game ideas of our own. This ended up making a video game "company", and we started coding games (albeit very basic ones), which was the beginning of Dingus, and the appearance of a new member, also one that I, (Maxwell, the writer of this document) had not talked to for quite some time, Henry (hello0o0w).
But as all this was happening, life had its own pace that we had to keep up with. This meant starting intermediate school (It would be close to middle school in 'Murica), which would prove to have challenges of its own, but among others, also benefits. Luckily, Maxwell, Lachlan and Henry were all put in the same classroom, though the school in question had an option to request being in the same class as another person upon enrolment, but this meant that Dingus as a whole would continue to improve over the course of the year. But of course, the class wasn't just three dinguses and a teacher. Suprisingly enough, two of our other classmates who we had never met before were also into programming. Of course, there was bound to be some competition between the two groups. A Nintendo vs Sega clash, if you will. Games were made, and better games were made to counter said games.
In the end though, a couple months into the year, around april, we set aside our differences. Lachlan, Maxwell and Henry were just strolling along, minding our own business, when Henry spotted these two classmates and decided to speak with them. The conversation went something like this: "Hey. I know that we're kind of... rivals, I guess, and we did think that Felix is a bit of a dingus, but we've come to think that you guys aren't so bad. What do you say that we... team up?" Henry said. "Uh... sure. Why not." Zac responded. And so it was. Dingus was born, and had introdiced two new members, Zac (SirStone) and Felix (Cantrememberthename). Or, as it was called at the time, Omega. We later came to realize that the name "Omega" wasn't the most original thing in the world, and, for no particular reason, the year that dingus was founded, I had become accustomed to using the mild insult "Dingus". So one day, Maxwell and Zac were talking about some new names and settled on the name Dingus, as we are all a little bit kooky. And that's the story of Dingus. Hope you liked it!